To know the perfect size for you, we have available a size chart which can guide you in this process. Nevertheless, it is important for you to know that the most important measure is the waist measure if you are interested in a waist trainer.
How do I know my measurement?
For your waist measurement, please take a tape measure and place it around your waist, going over your belly button. The tape should not be too tight or too loose, tighten it firmly and see the number determined by the tape. That will be your waist measurement.
- For your hips measurement, take the tape measure and place it around your hips (in its most prominent part). The tape should not be too loose or too tight. The number that determines the tape is the number of your hip measurement.
How do I know if my torso is long or short?
With the help of a tape measure the distance between the breast area and the lower part of your abdomen. If the measurement is 12 inches or more, you have a long torso. If on the other hand the measurement is less than 11 inches then you have a short torso.
If you do not trust that the measure you are taking is correct, it is also advisable to know what your height is, this can also determine your torso length.
Keep in mind:
The size chart below is measured of the fajas, NOT YOUR BODY SIZE!
The fajas are in order to make a more slender body, please don't compare with the general clothes size!
When purchasing any faja is important to find the size that fits right to you. We can suggest you our size charts to find the perfect fit for you.